April Fools' Day
New Moon Yoga
& Tarot
On Friday, April 1st, join us for a night for of pop-up yoga classes , New Moon Magic, and tarot readings from Heather Adams of @Heightstarot and allow a new moon focused reading to help illuminate the power of your shadow self.
Heather will be offering three-card readings guiding you on what can be phased out, what idea/s are growing and where you should shine your light. Check out our blog post about how the tarot can be used to guide you here.
Readings begin at 7:30 after First Friday Flow continuing for an hour or so after New Moon Rebirth ends at 8:30. Suggested donation for reading $15 cash or Venmo. Regular class pricing for both yoga classes.

First Friday Flow with Danielle
6:30-7:30 PM
In this all-levels practice, Danielle will lead students on a yoga journey to find their unique flow. Poses will be gentle and challenging, expressed with stable and centered energy. Danielle will show options and how to use props throughout the class allowing everyone to find their yoga flow.
Tarot Readings with Heather
Let the New Moon and the tarot guide you by illuminating the power of your shadow self. Three-card readings will be offered. Suggested donation for reading is $15 cash or Venmo.

New Moon Rebirth with Maxy
8:30-9:30 PM
The New Moon reminds us that there are endless New beginnings & chances for Rebirth, that we can always start fresh within our own sovereignty.
Join us as we connect with the Dark of The Moon & honor our Shadow self with a Manifestation Meditation, Moon journaling intentions, and a Yin/Yang Flow.